Switching between projects unloads all Workflows of the previous Project?
I am not sure whether to call this a bug or a suggestion for a future feature? When I am in a project and start an action in a Webpage Widget that may take a while, if I switch to another project then that workflow (that was going to take a while), is cancelled and never completes.
I acknowledge that it could be an issue of ever-increasing Freeter memory consumption if all projects are kept running in memory as they are switched between, and freeing up resources helps Freeter be more lightweight and kind when installed on machines with less memory.
But being stuck on a project while something finishes (and there's nothing else for me to do in that project at the moment) is less than ideal.
Is what I have observed with the entire project unloading supposed to be happening? And would it be possible to optionally have less aggressive optimisations, so that Workflows in progress can continue even when switching between projects?
Thinking more about this.
If every new Project had a property like a "Background timeout" which is set to 0, then the current behaviour of Freeter unloading a project as soon as another is selected would be the default.
But for the projects where this is undesirable, the user could choose to enter a number of seconds, based on what should be enough from previous experience. And if the project is not selected again before the timeout expires, Freeter can unload it. (And selecting a project resets the counter.)