Freeter Development

Stay tuned here to hear more about new releases and features of Freeter!

45 Topics 130 Posts


  • Is there some feature you'd love to see added to Freeter? Post it here.

    27 Topics
    73 Posts

    Please add a way to optionally open search results from Web Query widget into multiple Webpage widgets in the same workflow. Imagine a search form where you type a query and get instant results in Google, DuckDuckGo, Github, X, Mastodon, etc. side-by-side. You could use a placeholder e.g. QUERY in the Webpage widget's URL.

    This is what i mean:

  • Found a bug? Report it here.

    17 Topics
    52 Posts

    Clicking copy issue URL in GitHub project, crashes the browser and than the whole app:
    CleanShot 2025-01-17 at 13.35.04.jpeg

    Crash report

  • Planned Features

    1 Votes
    5 Posts

    Hey @alex , can you modify the readme file to include the steps to start Freeter locally for developing new widgets? Thanks!